Traditions and customs of Sardinia
Sardinia is an ancient land, which sinks its roots in the past. The long and various dominations that have occurred on the island, together with its geographical position, have helped to develop in the Sardinian population a complex culture with original features and yet conservative.
Sardinia is very tied to its rich heritage of traditions popular and religious, cultivated over the centuries, extraordinary for its originality and still deeply rooted in the culture sarda: Sundays are experienced by local people as the time of aggregation, or in the case of religious holidays as a time of prayer, to honor a patron saint, to remember a past event, to celebrate the end of epidemics and famine. Music, dancing, processions, races galloping wild: no months of the year in which there is not a party to some of the country.
And then the rich traditional cuisine, with its seafood, roasts and varied production of cheese, the 'local crafts, the beautiful and colorful traditional costumes, all accompanied by the ever spoken characteristic that distinguishes the Sardinian population.